For the spiritual entrepreneur desiring to evolve her business to multiple 4 & 5 figure cash months through waking up the Ancestral Eros and Innovation encoded in her bones.

You’re a creative visionary, mystic and medicine-keeper who…
…is so deeply, bravely devoted to dancing with her craft, her reverence for her body and bloodline, and her vision for a more liberated world.
You desire to live as an artist, celebrated for a rich body of work that easefully calls in ready-to-invest clients who are deeply moved by your medicine and send you heartfelt voicenotes, with messages like: “The way you guide is unprecedented. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’ve been in A LOT of containers... How do I work with you for the long-term?”
You desire to be a spiritually and financially nourished woman who experiences peaceful, pleasurable multiple four and five figure cash months with plenty of spaciousness for rose salt baths at dusk, ancestral cooking inspired by the seasons, and slow walks in the forest...
...while you steward an overflow of wealth that feels like your body is brimming over with gold stardust and wonder whenever you visit your savings account or redirect money to liberation causes and artisanal businesses you care about.
You are at the cusp of a whole new era of poetry, potency and prosperity in business that is *waiting* to root into your brand, body of work and relationship with money.
But right now, you’re struggling to sustain the momentum needed to take your income and impact to that next level without burning out. You notice yourself looping in stop-start patterns with launches because, while you’re well practised at sharing your voice as a thought-leader, the pressure to sell consistently and to execute your marketing ‘perfectly’ feels so depleting to your body and soul.
You wonder how you could possibly reach your desire for multiple four and five figure cash months without exhausting yourself, when your current income and way of operating in business already feels like a stretch.
...and you find yourself engaged in ‘busy work’, with overwhelming to-do lists, hours spent on content that doesn’t directly lead to clients – and a collection of offerings with so much *potential*, but that none of the business courses, sales frameworks or masterminds you’ve invested in so far have been able to unlock.

You’re a woman whose leadership and liberation is rooted in listening to her body.
You’re devoted to unhooking yourself from the physical, emotional and spiritual harms of toxic corporate capitalism and colonialism – even when that means being judged as the ‘black sheep’ by your family, because you run towards your dream for a nourished, sovereign life.
You also know that your medicine has a lineage. It didn’t begin with you. Your calling to bring it back to the world in these times is supported by unseen hands in your bloodline who once stewarded the same hope, desire and love for humanity that courses through your veins now.
And yet, while attuning to your body as a medicine-keeper is second nature to you... your relationship with business and money still feels stressful, urgent and extractive.

The truth is…
...some of the deepest ancestral wounds you carry are related to money and power. Through generational conditioning, your nervous system has been primed to assume that “money=struggle”, that “it isn’t safe to claim more leadership and visibility”, that “I can only make money through being exploited” etc.- because these are the very stories your ancestors had to live by in order to survive toxic and extractive systems for centuries.
Without the targetted work to unweave them from your nervous system, these stories will continue to drive the decisions you make with your business and money, and will keep you looping in patterns of under-charging, over-giving, and forcing yourself to show up in ways that burn you out.
If you desire to be a financially and spiritually nourished woman with a rich body of work that isn’t hooked into the extraction, urgency and amnesia of toxic corporate capitalism and colonialism…
...more strategies, money mindset exercises and ‘busy work’ won’t get you there – nor will general somatic healing, rest and regulation.
The key is to work *specifically* with your nervous system’s blueprint for money and power, so that you can reweave the ancestral-body paradigm it’s operating from and craft a business anchored in the felt experiences of peace, pleasure, desire, play, wonder, timelessness and ease.
I want you to know this.
As a liberatory visionary, you have been called to entrepreneurship in these times because part of your mission is to reweave the most deep-seated stories about money, power and leadership that have been active in your bloodline for generations.
*You* are called to be the sacred weaver of your lineage, to initiate a new dance with money and leadership through the vessel of your business.
*You* are here to experience deep financial nourishment through your richest body of work... and to live into a life of spaciousness and overflow that sends frequencies of liberation through your bloodline and the collective.
The pathway that can support you from experiencing an extraction & amnesia-based paradigm with business and money...
...to being the spiritually and financially nourished innovator you came here to be?

Ancestral Business Craft
...a philosophy for ancestral reclamation x business ascension that guides you to:
Claim high cash months with peace and pleasure, as you evolve the mineral-rich body of work that is already encoded in your bones
Collapse time in your ascension as a thought-leader, innovator and beacon of integrity on your medicine pathway
Steward a decolonial movement that is fiercely devoted to purging amnesia, oppression, separateness and all other harms inflicted by toxic corporate capitalism and colonialism.
Your path to soul wealth isn’t paved with someone else’s content formula or sales framework.
You have a unique ancestral blueprint inside you *right now* for weaving poetry, prosperity and deep body reverence into your business and life. All you need to do is remember and reclaim it.
Are you ready to embark on the journey of lifetimes in the making?


Craft your richest body of work and evolve your business to peaceful, pleasurable multiple four and five figure cash months through Ancestral Business Craft™
...a soma-spiritual business lens for claiming high cash months that come with body-reverent mornings, seasonal joy, ancestral magic and creative spaciousness without urgency, depletion or hustle.
The Sanctum is a group coaching collective for creative visionaries, mystics and medicine-keepers who are ready to actualise a new level of spiritual and financial nourishment in business, and be initiated into a sacred collaboration with your most honourable forebears to remember and evolve your richest body of work through the pathways of Ancestral Eros and Innovation.

Coach for Women in Tech & the Creative Industries
“I’ve landed into consistent $6-12k cash months, and I’m expanding into my first six figure year.”
Rifa joined The Sanctum nine months ago. She’d been in many group programmes for business coaching, but couldn’t shift out of feast-or-famine cycles and anxiety with money, no matter how much strategy and mindset work she applied.
Her journey inside The Sanctum has centred on reweaving deep-seated lineage wounds with money and coming into relationship with money and leadership from her Eros Body.
She says: “Where before I’d be striving and starting at zero every month, money flow now feels more easeful, meaningful and sustained. Now I’m regularly receiving $6-12k without struggle, and I feel able to apply for pots of funding for $25k+ and my body feels safe to claim that.”
This has been foundational for developing clarity on her richest product suite that honours her Ancestral Innovation archetype as a Poet. What emerged from her Eros Body was a desire to run in-person events and retreats. Her first event booked out, which she's now replicating to deliver online and around the world.

It’s time to walk the path of ancestral reclamation x business ascension through Ancestral Business Craft™
Inside The Sanctum, you’ll be introduced to Ancestral Business Craft™, a four-part soma-spiritual lens for body & bloodline-reverent business ascension.
Awaken and Lead Through the Eros Body
The ancestral body paradigm you are operating from determines how you experience your business eco-system (i.e. easeful or depleting), and the kinds of outcomes you can sustainably actualise (e.g. sales, engagement, scaling and launches etc.). There are three ancestral body paradigms – the Amnesia, Grief and Eros Bodies. When active, the stories associated with that body will come online in your nervous system and drive how you show up to your business. The Amnesia Body developed in your lineage as a way to cope with colonialism and toxic corporate capitalism. When your Amnesia Body is active, you are more likely to experience burnout, falling into comparison traps, scarcity and urgency with money, procrastination, perfectionism and disconnection from the soul of your work. Dominant stories driving your experience will sound like: “my voice doesn’t matter”, “I need someone else to tell me what to do”, “I must struggle and hustle to survive” etc. The Grief Body holds ancestral stories related to disappointment, sadness, loss and fear. When you lose momentum in a launch because you’re not yet getting the sales you desire, primarily use language rooted in contraction and trauma, or feel fear around sharing your authentic voice – this is the Grief Body operating. In this paradigm, your actions are driven by deeper lineage patterns that you are being invited to reweave through the vessel of your business. Ancestral reclamation is the process of unhooking from the Amnesia Body, alchemising patterns that emerge from the Grief Body, and supporting your nervous system to lead through your Eros Body. In the Eros Body, you dance at your leadership edges and land into income and impact expansion that amplifies your aliveness and joy for life. Your experience of business and money is weaved with ease, play, pleasure, desire, peace, timelessness and wonder (these specific nervous system imprints are known as The Seven Sisters of Ancestral Eros). Your richest body of work is remembered – and has the power to bring tears to eyes, to initiate re-imagination in the collective, and to consistently sign soulmate clients. In The Sanctum, you are guided through the nervous system work needed to reclaim, live into and lead from your Eros Body for body and bloodline reverent business ascension.
Expand Your Upper Limit With Money
Your nervous system has a default capacity for how much money it feels safe to receive and hold. This is called your upper limit – and no amount of money mindset work, more ‘effective’ strategies or nervous system regulation can shift it alone. Without expanding your nervous system’s upper limit, you may be able to ‘make’ more income – but your fundamental relationship with money won’t evolve, and you may notice certain dysfunctional behaviours like avoiding your bank account, over-spending, feeling scarcity and anxiety with your finances, continuing to play out. Money-targetted nervous system expansion is fundamentally about shifting your (and your ancestors’) relationship with money, so that you feel supported and desired by money no matter what – and are resourced to actually receive the nourishment and joy of your growing income, without anxiety or scarcity. At a broader level, wealth reimagination work is vital for us to engage in so that we can unhook from the scarcity tactics of toxic corporate capitalism, and gather the resources needed to build more equitable collective systems for the future. In The Sanctum, you are guided to meet and reweave with money on the ancestral plain, to be in peaceful relationship with selling and pricing, and to step into your role as a conscious steward of wealth.
Remember and Evolve Your Richest Body of Work
Your story didn’t begin with you. You have ancestors who were craftspeople, merchants, medicine-keepers, revolutionaries, poets and inventors – and expressed their artistry as pathways for shaping culture and healing the collective, as you now do. While your medicine may be evolved and innovated, your mission has deeper ancestral echoes. Your unique Ancestral Innovation Archetype is your blueprint for remembering those in your lineage whose songs and stories want to be woven with yours, and evolving a body of work whose spirit and structure truly nourishes your Eros Body (and therefore the Eros Bodies of your forebears too). If you desire a business and life that feels creatively spacious, building a body of work oriented to the bringing you high ticket sales, recurring revenue and long-term client relationships is *key*. These are more likely to emerge when you are connected to the heartbeat of your medicine, when you live it so deeply and feel its roots anchored in you. Your Ancestral Innovation Archetype supports you in the process of 1) remembering and calling in the ancestors who are part of your business rooting system, and 2) landing into strategies for a product suite, marketing eco-system and business structure that serve your felt experience of peace, pleasure and ease as the branches of your mission expand into more income and impact. In The Sanctum, you are guided to leverage your unique Ancestral Innovation Archetype to evolve messaging, strategies and structures that honour your ancestral story and Eros Body, so that you can steward a body of work that is sustainable, joyful and rooted in a deeply felt mission.
Dismantle Toxic Systems for the Benefit Of All
The spirit of this work is BIPOC-centred, and envisions a world where people of the Global South are liberated from the brutality and oppression of toxic corporate capitalism and colonialism. The Sanctum and the medicine contained within it is open to people of ALL lineages (i.e. BIPOC and non-BIPOC people who identify as women or non-binary), and it seeks to cultivate a brave space where conversations about dismantling toxic systems, racism and whyte supremacy can happen in ways that are healing and beneficial for all. There are also specific provisions for BIPOC folks – if you are a BIPOC sister in The Sanctum, you’ll have access to monthly BIPOC Counsel Calls, and a dedicated BIPOC-only peer messaging space. Both of these provisions are available for times where you may need to explore and heal racially-charged grief, anger, resentment or feelings of betrayal coming up that only feel safe to share within a BIPOC-only space. Beyond that, all other elements of The Sanctum are structured to foster healing and connection between people of all lineages as we embark on this journey of ancestral reclamation x business ascension together. The Sanctum is woven with a vision for racial equity and justice, BIPOC rights and the dismantling of toxic corporate capitalist and colonial systems. These are topics we explore bravely throughout the programme. You will be actively supported to integrate your unique flavour of liberatory visioning into your brand and business, and you will step out of your journey here not only embodied in ancestral reclamation – but also deeply anchored in your understanding of why spiritual liberation work and business ascension in the New Earth paradigm cannot be separated from the pursuit of justice and the reimagination of systems.

Giap Tongsayor, Sensuality & Kink Educator
“I've created a business that's built in my soft era with a regulated nervous system….
I asked the Universe to send me a woman of colour coach who created a sustainable business that's led with integrity and heart. Someone who uses authenticity to call in her soul clients, and not fear. And the Universe sent me sacred weaver! It has been such a transformational journey."

Sharandeep Kaur, Feminine Embodiment Coach
"I feel so grateful to be in this sacred space, where I don't have to hide any cultural complexities...
...and I can name the ancestral grief without it being the elephant in the room – and all of this can co-exist with pleasure and dreaming and striving for more with 'fun and ease'. What a blessing. I feel really seen in this community... so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, it's truly magical."

Jackie Goyco, Intuitive Mental Health Coach
"By far the best investment I've made in myself and the most financial success I've had in my business so far…
Not only did Heenali help me recognise how deep my financial wounds went, but she helped me to heal my relationship with money in a way that felt so freeing. That allowed more money to flow to me within the past year... to triple my client base and have the most financial success I've had in my business."

The Sanctum is for you if:
You feel a fire in your belly to birth truly revolutionary offerings unlike anything your industry has seen. You feel the prophecy of your ascension as a thought-leader who is truly embodied in your ancestral reclamation and devotion to collective liberation, and you’re looking for a space that can hold and anchor you into the bigness of your vision.
You see where your industry is still whyte-washed, hooked to colonialist and toxic corporate perspectives, and you want to be a part of the solution towards more responsible, ethical and decolonial business and leadership praxis.
You deeply yearn for a space that is led by BIPOC wisdom-keepers… after years of being in white-majority containers, it is time to immerse yourself in a journey that doesn’t shy away from having brave conversations about unhooking from the amnesia of toxic systems, while also reaching for and celebrating the unfurling of your financial dreams.

Here's what you receive inside...
Inside of The Sanctum, you will be ushering in a whole new era of poetry, potency and prosperity in business through the power of Ancestral Business Craft. Here's what the journey looks like:
𓂀 5x LIVE CALLS/ MONTH (via Zoom) , including:
𓂀 biweekly group coaching calls for 1:1 somatic & strategic support
𓂀 an Ancestral Eros Call, where you'll be led through live nervous system reweaving for awakening eros and wealth reimagination in the body
𓂀 a masterclass on integrating Ancestral Business Craft into your messaging, sales, branding and business strategy
𓂀 an in-depth workshop led by various BIPOC wisdom-keepers in ancestral, somatic and business ascension, from traditions around the world
𓆚 COURSE PORTAL (on Thinkific, valued at £1.5k)
The Sanctum course portal, where you will be guided through aspects of Ancestral Eros and Innovation with the support of three ancestral serpent guardians – the cobra, python and viper:
𓆚 COBRA - SACRED STORYTELLER: a course on articulating the spirit of your mission with your ancestors, weaving structural and spiritual integrity into your offerings, and crafting potent copy and content
𓆚 PYTHON - SACRED STEWARD: a course on nervous system reclamation and awakening the Eros Body, articulating your embodied wealth language and receivership blueprint, and re-mineralising the body out of Grief
𓆚 VIPER - SACRED SUSTAINER: a course on illuminating the pathway to your business’ most easeful evolution, evolving your offering and marketing eco-systems, scaling your business for high cash months
+The Sacred Library: a library of all coaching and Ancestral Eros replays
These are dynamic channels all hosted in one space, where you can request in-depth support across the week.
𓅞 The Lotus Pond: a gathering place devoted to your emergence as a trailblazer, where you support on embodying your unique expression of leadership, money stewardship and ancestral innovation in business
𓅞 The Forum: a sacred space to explore what collective liberation means for you, and how to weave values of decolonisation and reindigenisation into your business structures, messaging and relationship with money.
𓅞 The Sanctuary: a space to seek solidarity and witnessing with your Sanctum sisters, as you walk your sacred path, lean into emotional healing and dismantling inner/outer oppressions.
𓅞 The Apothecary: where we alchemise words, experiement with branding, lovingly craft offerings and create magic with messaging. Request feedback and support on any content, copy or branding you desire across the week.
𓅞 Your Personal Shrine: where you can seek 1:1 support from me across all aspects of your business ascension, content, copy and strategy
𓆣 ON-DEMAND MASTERCLASSES (immediate access , valued at over £700)

𓀰 [KINspeak membership] value: £111/month
Access to my ancestral business craft membership KINspeak, including hours of codes to guide you through business ascension x ancestral reclamation across the seasons, and a dynamic community of BIPOC and non-BIPOC sisters all devoted to ancestral reverence and decolonised leadership
𓀰 [all Live Immersions] value: £1k+
A complimentary seat in all live immersions I run for the time you're in The Sanctum, plus access to my most recent 21 day Immersion on Awakening Ancestral Eros (includes 2 masterclasses, a coaching call replay + over 7 hours of business transmissions on ancestral reclamation x business ascension)
𓀰 optional: [Spirit-Led Legacy Reading] value: £333
Pay in full across any tier, to receive a complimentary Spirit-led Legacy Reading with me, a 90 minute deep-dive astrological illumination of the liberation, legacy and ancestral innovation you came here to steward through the vessel of your business
𓀰 TIME-LIMITED BONUS: [2x complimentary 1:1 sessions with me] value: £1k
Claim 2 complimentary 90 minute 1:1 sessions with me to use at any point during your time in The Sanctum, for a deeper level of customised support
These provisions are available to all sisters who idenitify as BIPOC:
𓁧 monthly BIPOC Counsel Call + peer messaging space: a monthly call and extra peer messaging space for all BIPOC sisters to share any questions or to receive witnessing as they alchemise grief and rage
(all resources available for the duration of your time in The Sanctum)

Pay in full for ANY option to claim a complimentary astrology for business reading
pay in full options
rises to £4500 from February 28th
rises to £7200 from February 28th
payment plan options
rises to £750/month from February 28th
rises to £600/month from February 28th

For the woman desiring a deeper level of customised support
Claim an extra 1:1 90 minute session with me every month to elevate your journey
rises to £6000 from February 28th
rises to £9000 from February 28th
rises to £1k/month from February 28th
rises to £750/month from February 28th
*one spot taken, one spot left*

Racial Equity and Business Consultant
“This has been richer than the $1000’s I’ve spent on other programmes... six figure years now feel possible for me.”
Bry stepped into The Sanctum having already invested a lot in working with prominent coaches in the industry. She learned a lot, but none had the capacity to support her in crafting the decolonial spaces she dreamed of leading.
As a Pioneer, Bry’s journey in The Sanctum centred on crafting a long-term group programme for guiding white spiritual coaches to decolonise their brands – with a structure that showcases her raw, innovative voice and embodiment of Ancient Egyptian medicine.
A whole body of work has developed in the process of weaving the pioneers of her lineage into her business – including a quiz, pilgrimages to Egypt and a Liberatory Embodiment course.
She says: “I see this product suite all connected to decolonised approaches to life, activism and entrepreneurship… I had something great, and you’ve helped me make it greater than I could imagine… I feel this tingling inside me, a sign that I’m birthing something big… that six figure years in my business are possible for me.”

Hi my love! I'm heenali (aka sacred weaver)
Like many of the women inside The Sanctum, I invested thousands in business coaching to ‘figure out’ my mission and message. Many of the strategies, as effective as they were, didn’t sit right with my soul. It felt like something was missing. The strategies I was learning didn’t seem able to hold the layers of depth, complexity and nuance that I wanted to bring to my business.
I got to a point of thinking: “Is bragging about money wins, pain-point marketing and needing to sell every day... the only way?” It felt like rooting into these as my foundations for being in relationship with business would be perpetuating a paradigm of hyper-productivity and burnout I didn’t want to be a part of.
Eventually, I stopped looking outside for help. One day, I felt an intuitive nudge to ask my ancestors to guide me in my dreams. That night, I saw myself in a circle with other BIPOC women, showing them how to make living butterflies from paper. This marked the inception of sacred weaver - and since then, I’ve been on a journey of meeting business as a process of remembering the deeper undercurrents of a mission that’s been present in my lineage since the beginnings of the Silk Road in the 2nd Century BCE. Along the way, I’ve remembered and woken up in my nervous system ancestors who expressed this medicine in different iterations and contexts.
As I learned how to wake up their voices and visions of my lineage in my body, I started to receive crystal-clear clarity on the specific offerings that I am here to steward this medicine through. And the more I leaned into the nervous system alchemy I’m going to share with you today, my capacity to birth offerings and sustain creative momentum in my business expanded with no forcing or pushing from me. In a year, I went from stuck to birthing a full product suite, tripling my online community, being invited as a speaker into paid programmes, podcasts and a high profile summit.
With the support of my great-grandfather and the pioneers of my lineage, I crafted a body of work rooted in utter joy - and landed into consistent $7 -12k cash months with ease, with a high ticket space that books out for months, and four figures in monthly recurring revenue already established for all of 2025, with a spacious calendar, so much gratitude - and lots of time for cooking and playing with my cat. I’m now calibrating to $20k cash months in my business, which feels available from a place of true body reverence.
This medicine has ancient roots. I believe I am being called to remember and steward back out to the world, because it has a part to play in ushering in an age where mystics, medicine-keepers and creative visionaries are leading business ascension that is unhooked from toxic corporate capitalist and colonial paradigms.
I pay respect to those who stewarded and expressed this medicine before me. It is by no means the only pathway to soul wealth - but in my experience, it’s been a powerful one. I hope it initiates you into a deep Remembrance of just how much you are meant to claim power and prosperity in this lifetime, for yourself and your lineage, too.

Frequently Asked Questions
When does The Sanctum begin? Our next cohort begins on January 8th. When you step in today, you get immediate access to the course portal and all masterclasses to enjoy before our official start date!
When do the calls take place? Calls usually take place on Wednesdays at 3pm UK time. Further calls will be added to respond to differing time-zones and participant numbers, as needed. You get access to all replays inside your course portal.
I’m just starting out in business – is this a good fit for me? I usually recommend that you have some experience serving as a coach or healer before stepping into the space, with at least a couple of clients under your belt. If you’re less than a year into your business, I’d recommend that you consider stepping in for 12 months, as this provides a good time-frame for us to support you from ‘just starting out’ to running a thriving eco-system.
I’ve done business coaching programs in the past that incorporate nervous system regulation, and it didn’t do much for me. How is this different? The experience of The Sanctum goes far beyond giving you nervous system regulation tools. Nervous system regulation tools are primarily used to support the body out of being stuck in dysregulation. While they absolutely have a place, our focus within this space will be to awaken a whole new paradigm and capacity to reimagine leadership, money and business within your nervous system, and to awaken your revolutionary vision and voice from there. This is all specifically from a BIPOC lens, something no other business coaching space currently offers. The unique business strategies and structures we clarify together emerge from this nervous system expansion work, mapping out an individualised pathway that is totally responsive to your body and the reimagined paradigm that you have awakened within it.
Is this for me if I don’t have a business? The Sanctum is not suitable for you if you don’t currently have a business. If you’re looking for support with clarifying and creating your first ever offering, I’d recommend exploring my 1:1 programme, BIPOC+Bountiful.
Does this space also guide me through the strategy I need to get to multiple four and five figure cash months? Yes! You get access to a suite of three courses guiding you through offering and messaging craft, how to expand as a leader with a body reverent foundation, and how to build the structures and systems you need to receive multiple four and five figure cash months with ease. We have two calls each month where you can receive strategic support from me, as well as a messaging space where I am available to offer feedback across all aspects of your business across each week.
How much customised support do I get from Heenali? A lot! As well as individualised coaching time every two weeks, you also have a messaging space where you can be in 1:1 or collective conversation with me as much as you like.
Do you offer refunds? This program is not refundable, given the high value resources you get access to as soon as you join the space. That being said, while it is perfectly normal to feel some nervousness around making an investment, it is also important that the thought of initiating this journey brings up excitement and hope for you too. Let your investment into this life-changing work be from a place of trusting yourself, your vision and your desire to be a light and a revolutionary in a world that so deeply needs it. If you are considering joining The Sanctum but have questions about whether this is the right time and space for you or how long you should join for, you are welcome to reach out to me on Instagram at @sacred.weaver to start a chat with me and explore what would be best for you.
Any other questions?
Email me over at heenali@sacred-weaver and I’d be more than happy to chat through them.
