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i currently offer in-depth readings that combine Human Design, gene keys, astrology and Tarot to illuminate your unique path to prosperity and purpose, as an individual, a partnership or as a family. these offerings are one-of-a-kind, and based on an intergrative trauma-informed approach developed by me. your path to prosperous purpose already lives inside you. it is written in the stars, in your spirit and body. if you wish to uncover it, these offerings are for you.

my offerings
how others have benefitted

" I found a lot of value in this reading. Many of the things that Heenali brought up really resonated with me. I do have a lot of things going on emotionally and somehow she put what I am feeling into words… I am taking what this reading told me to heart, I am going to begin attending therapy and start practising meditation more. Heenali helped me realize that it is okay that I have some healing to do. "

Sunset, Canada, on a reading about learning to trust people again

©2024 sacred weaver

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